Non-Organic Pullets and 5% Non-Organic Feed Derogations Extended

2023 update on Defra regulations for organic pullets and non-ruminant feeds

Due to the continued restriction on supplies of organic protein and the availability of organically certified point of lay pullets we joined a call for Defra to extend the derogation allowances for the use of non-organic protein feeds in the diets of pigs & poultry and for the use of part-organic pullets while work continues across the industry to investigate viable solutions and standards are developed with a workable implementation timeframe. There are genuine concerns that the withdrawal of the ability to feed the 5% non-organic allowance would have had significant welfare implications, particularly in the case of poultry.  Plus, there are currently no organic production standards to work to in the UK to produce organic pullets to give confidence for infrastructure investment in this area.

As such we have now received confirmation from Defra’s Organic Team that the tabled statutory instrument extending the deadline for the use of 'part-organic' pullets and the 5% non-organic protein for non-ruminant diets has been extended to the 31st December 2025

Please be reminded that SOPA Derogation Form 6 – Derogation Form for Poultry must be completed and returned to your Certification Officer to seek a derogation in advance for each batch of non-organic chicks and/or part-organic pullets.  For part-organic pullets the supplier’s declaration for management to the organic feed and veterinary standards needs to be returned with the derogation request.  

Plus, please be mindful that all requests to bring in non-organic pullets must be passed to Defra’s Organic Team for consideration by your Certification Officer on your behalf prior to the birds being brought onto farm.  We are currently in discussions with Defra regarding the supporting information required for derogations and will keep you posted of any updates.  As before we recommend you apply sooner rather than later to avoid delays.

It is still the case that in the first instance you must look for an organic source of pullets. Please see suggested list of suppliers in the SOPA Guidance Note on Poultry.

All derogation forms and record sheets are available to download in the Members Portal .


PO Box Golspie, KW106AA
Email: Tel: 0300 772 9795

Scottish Organic Producers Association, Registered Office is c/o Drummond Laurie, Algo Business Centre, Glenearn Rd, Perth, PH2 8BX.
Scottish Organic Producers Association is a Co-operative registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, Registration Number SP02278R. Organic Certification GB-ORG-17