However, please note there is two different deadlines depending on the options included in the application:
• Application window for stand-alone Organic Conversion and Maintenance applications closes 31st July 2024.
• Application window for combined Organic Conversion and Maintenance applications + other agri-environment options closes 10th June 2024.
However, where required, the AECS guidance on the various funding options are currently being updated by ScotGov ahead of the 2024 AECS application window opening.
Until these are published, we are not party to any changes to the AECS organic conversion or maintenance funding requirements. We will endeavour to keep you updated of any changes to the organic funding requirements once published by ScotGov. Nevertheless, it is still recommended that you read the latest 2024 AECS funding guidance when available on Rural Payments & Services website to ensure you are aware for the stipulations applied by ScotGov to particular funding options before preparing/submitting an application.
Information about AECS can be found on the Rural Payments & Services website here.
Know your current Scheme dates
In the meantime, please double check when your current funding scheme ends (if unsure check with your local SGRPID area office) so you know if you need to investigate submitting an application in the 2024 AECS application round or not.
If your current contract expires in 2024, you should apply in 2024. The scheme years for AECS contracts awarded by SGRPID run from January to December with payments made in arrears. Applying in 2024 means a successful application will result in a contract commencing January 2025 and there will not be a gap in funding.
Likewise, if you are planning to bring additional land into conversion, or you know of a neighbour who is considering converting their business to organic management please make them aware to keep an eye out for the finalised 2024 AECS guidance and application round opening.
Please note the ScotGov AECS funding rules are separate from the SOPA Organic Standards. All funding applications & ongoing compliance to ScotGov funding obligations are subject to approval & monitoring by SGRPID, whereas compliance to the organic standards is checked via your SOPA inspections. Given both sets of rules run in parallel, you must meet the organic standards as well as the funding rules for the duration of the five-year funding contract to receive the organic funding payments. Importantly each of the five years’ worth of funding awarded within an AECS contract must then be claimed annually via the SAF application submitted by the business to SGRPID.
SOPA can act as your Agent
The Member Services team are on standby to assist with organic funding and conversion queries.
The team can talk you through the basics of an AECS application if you wish to do it yourself.
Alternatively, if you wish, SOPA can also act as your agent and submit an organic conversion or maintenance funding application on your behalf. There is an additional fee for this work. If this is of interest, contact SOPA Member Services on 0300 772 9795 or email.
PO Box Golspie, KW106AA
Email: Tel: 0300 772 9795
Scottish Organic Producers Association, Registered Office is c/o Drummond Laurie, Algo Business Centre, Glenearn Rd, Perth, PH2 8BX.
Scottish Organic Producers Association is a Co-operative registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, Registration Number SP02278R. Organic Certification GB-ORG-17