We are aware that 2021 AECS funding applications, submitted to SGRPID between the 25th of January and the 2nd July 2021, have completed review and individual applicants are beginning to be notified of the outcome of their application.
If you submitted an AECS application for organic maintenance and/or conversion funding in 2021 this applies to you.
Depending on your chosen method of communication with SGRPID you will either receive an email from AECS Business Support which the subject ‘AECS 2021 Application Round’ and your individual application refence number (check your email junk folder) or a letter through the post to notify you of the outcome of your 2021 AECS application.
At this stage you will be notified if your application for financial assistance under the Agri-Environment Scheme has been approved, either in full or in part, for funding or if it has not been successful.
Next Steps
For those who have been notified of an approved, either in full or in part, AECS funding application you will still need to wait for the full details of the approval to be sent out to you by SGRPID along with your AECS Contract Offer letter & Contract.
When you receive the Contract Offer you must check, sign and return your AECS funding contract to SGRPID. SGRPID will then confirm in writing when you can commence work.
Note that Organic Conversion CANNOT commence until you receive the official Permission to Start letter from SGRPID.
If your application was unsuccessful your notification from SGRPID will include details of how you can appeal the decision.
Remember that the funding contract is between the applicant and ScotGov we are not made aware of the outcome of individual applications. For those of you who have submitted organic conversion funding application, whether for whole units or to convert an area of additional land, it is important that you contact us as soon as you know the outcome of your application.
We will guide you through the steps to take to start conversion. Each farm is different, and we can work with you individually to ensure your conversion process is as smooth as possible and you grasp the SOPA organic standards quickly.
You will need to submit a full farm conversion plan and agree your start date & type with your Producer Certification Officer at OF&G Scotland. SOPA Member Services can guide you through the content of your conversion plan for free.
You must ensure your proposed conversion date is also in keeping with the ScotGov funding rules. SOPA Member Services can talk through your options and how to decide which conversion date suits your enterprise plans. Call us to find out more.
PO Box Golspie, KW106AA
Email: info@sopa.org.uk Tel: 0300 772 9795
Scottish Organic Producers Association, Registered Office is c/o Drummond Laurie, Algo Business Centre, Glenearn Rd, Perth, PH2 8BX.
Scottish Organic Producers Association is a Co-operative registered under the Co-operative and Community Benefit Societies Act 2014, Registration Number SP02278R. Organic Certification GB-ORG-17